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Text::Wigwam::Library::Math #abs, #add, #dec, #decr, #div, #inc, #incr, #int, #mod, #mult, #random, #sub


This library provides directives which are useful for calculating values.


The directives within this library can be imported into specific branches of the directive tree (which transcends from Text::Wigwam::Directives) via plug-ins or modules using one of the following techniques.

 package Text::Wigwam::Directives::some::arbitrary::branch;
 # import everything
 use Text::Wigwam::Library::Math qw/:all/;

 package Text::Wigwam::Directives::another::arbitrary::branch;
 # import selectively
 use Text::Wigwam::Library::Math(
  qw/ :abs :add :dec :decr :div :inc :incr :int :mod :mult :random :sub /


#abs num

Returns the absolute (positive) form of numeric value num.

 [!! #abs -123 /* output: 123 */ !!]

#add num1 num2

Returns the sum of numeric values num1 and num2.

 [!! #add 1 2 /* output: 3 */ !!]

#dec var

Decrements a variable's value by 1 and returns nothing.

  #define var 5
  #dec var
  "var is " var
  /* output:
   var is 4

#decr var

Decrements a variable's value by 1 and returns the new value.

#div num1 num2

Returns the result of num1 divided by num2.

 [!! #div 27 9 /* output: 3 */ !!]

The #div directive is susceptible to divide by zero exceptions. If num2 is zero, this will halt global processing of all templates.

#inc var

Increments the value of var by 1 and returns nothing.

  #define var 1
  #inc var
  "var is " var
  /* output:
   var is 2

#incr var

Increments the value of var and returns the new value.

#int num

Returns the integer value of num.

 [!! #int 12.99 /* output: 12 */ !!]

#mod num1 num2

Returns the modulus of num1 and num2.

 [!! #mod 9 7 /* output: 2 */ !!]

If num2 is zero, a divide by zero exception will be thrown.

#mult num1 num2

Returns the product of num1 and num2.

 [!! #mult 25 4 /* output: 100 */ !!]

#random num1 num2

Returns a random integer ranging from num1 to num2.

  #define die1 #random 1 6
  #define die2 #random 1 6
  "You rolled " #add die1 die2 " (" die1 " & " die2 ")"

#sub num1 num2

Returns the resulting value of num1 minus num2.

 [!! #sub 27 9 /* output: 18 */ !!]