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Text::Wigwam::Library::Debug #try, #catch, #caught, #throw, #warn


This library provides directives which are used for template debugging.


The directives within this library can be imported into specific branches of the directive tree (which transcends from Text::Wigwam::Directives) via plug-ins or modules using one of the following techniques.

 package Text::Wigwam::Directives::some::arbitrary::branch;
 # import everything
 use Text::Wigwam::Library::Debug( q/:all/ );

 package Text::Wigwam::Directives::another::arbitrary::branch;
 # import selectively
 use Text::Wigwam::Library::Debug(
  qw/ :try :throw :catch :caught :warn /


#try block

Traps any exceptions that may occur while executing block. This is useful for error detection such as when using #div or when executing child templates. This directive is typically followed by the #catch directive which can be used to gracefully handle the exception.

 [!! #try #div x y !!]
 [!! #catch { x " divided by " y " caused an error: " #caught } !!]

#catch block

Only executes block if the #try directive has trapped an exception within the common block scope. Typically block should contain code designed to handle the exception. The #caught directive can be used to retrieve the error from within block.

  #try #template "foo_primary"
  #catch {
    #try #template "foo_alternate"
    #catch {
      /* Report a custom error message */
      #throw "Problem encountered while loading a required template"

#throw message

Generates an exception by setting the _DIE Global to message.

 [!! #if no_hope #throw  "I give up" !!]

This exception can be trapped using the #try and #catch directives.


Returns the error caught by the #try directive from within a #caught block.

  #try #throw "Bite it!"
  #catch { "D'oh! " #caught }
  /* output:  D'oh! Error encountered in root template: Bite it! */

Alternatively, you can access the global directly via :caught.

  #try #throw "Bite me!"
  #catch { "D'oh! " :caught }
  /* output:  D'oh! Error encountered in root template: Bite me! */

#warn comment

Stores comment for display in the template listing when compiled by the debugger.

#error is DEPRECATED, use #caught instead.

Returns the error caught by the #try directive from within a #caught block.

  #try #throw "An explicitly forced exception"
  #catch { "An error occurred: " #error }
  /* output:  An error occurred: An explicitly forced exception */